
Based in Washington, DC, the MGHSOGA is an alumnae association of the Methodist Girls’ High School in Freetown, Sierra Leone…

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The Methodist Girls’ High School

The Methodist Girls’ High School was founded on January 1, 1880, with the objective of giving women in Sierra Leone a sound Christian education. It started off as the Wesleyan Educational Female Institute.

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This is placeholder text. This text is used to show how the webpage will look when actual text is used in this place. Sometimes you may see text that looks like a bunch of jibberish, this is known as “Lorem ipsum”

Can you read this:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, neque velit suspendisse nunc mattis, eu duis vel viverra tortor, a massa feugiat, felis volutpat ut ultrices sit ante tincidunt. Amet fermentum, etiam lacus neque nonummy est mauris, urna nunc sagittis."

You can’t? Good! Neither can I. And neither can 99.999% (approximately) of the people on this planet.

That’s the whole point of Lorem Ipsum — meaningless, jibberish text that can’t be read or understood and yet can flow naturally in a design layout. It’s actually one of those little-known design tools that is very important to the design process.

Let’s learn more about Lorem Ipsum and how to use it.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Printers and designers for many years have used Lorem Ipsum when laying out the foundations of a new design project. It’s a form of the old (and almost never studied) Latin language. What does it mean? Who knows. Who created it? Who knows. (Who is John Galt?) But the history of Lorem Ipsum isn’t as important as why it is used and why it’s better than readable text.

Why use Lorem Ipsum?

It is commonly known that readable text is often a distraction to the design process. Instead of looking at the layout to find the problems or weak spots, people will unconsciously focus on the words. This is why designers use Lorem Ipsum when first laying out a project. It allows them to focus on the positioning, spacing, color, and other stylistic elements.

Why is it better than readable text?

important info! Before I learned about Lorem Ipsum, I used to use my own filler text: “This is meaningless text. It should be ignored and disregarded.” I would copy and paste it multiple times to fill out paragraph sections. But there are two main problems with using this kind of readable text. The first was mentioned above: it’s readable. I found it to be a distraction when I saw it repeated over and over again. The second has to do with the flow of natural text. When a sentence is used repeatedly in a block of text it can create vertical or diagonal lines that add a new and unwanted element to the design.

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Our mission

The Methodist Girls’ High School has in the many years of its existence sought to reduce the gender disparity in education, and promote the access of young girls of Sierra Leone to secondary education.